Band: Amon Amarth Song: Embrace of the Endless Ocean Album: Twilight of the Thunder God.
After all, this is just intended to give people a idea. Lastly, I know the size of the video hardly does it any justice (the only way that could be fixed is by splitting each one in half, and sliding them together, but I decided not to do), and the lack of audio takes out half of the reason it was remastered so I apologize for that. Second, they both had different audio tracks, so I got rid of them completely and added my own music (mute it if you don't enjoy Amon Amarth =D). Original: Remastered: First off, these videos are from two separate users: the first one being DUKEvvvvvv, and the second being PlayrBitz. But in the meantime the chance to check out the HD remastering of the 2002 classic Medal of Honor: Frontline.